2009 | 72 minutes | NR | IMDb
Directed by Joe Swanberg & Greta Gerwig
Cinematography by Matthias Grunsky & Benjamin Kasulke
Starring Greta Gerwig, Joe Swanberg, Alison Bagnall, Elizabeth Donius, Lynn Shelton, Kent Osborne, Jay Duplass & Ellen Stagg
Premiered at the 2008 SXSW Film Festival
Mattie and James are in love. But too many mornings and too many miles apart have taken a toll on them. As they struggle with the distance between New York and Chicago, their visits become reminders of the difficulties, not the pleasures, of their relationship. Joe Swanberg and Greta Gerwig follow HANNAH TAKES THE STAIRS with this intimate portrayal of longing and confusion. This time Swanberg co-stars with Gerwig, and Gerwig co-directs with Swanberg, creating a film that resonates deeply and leaves scars that fade but can't heal. (IFC Films)
- Vulture.com asks Greta Gerwig "So what was the inspiration for this movie?"
"The original idea was that we were going to make a movie about a happy couple. [Laughs.] But then when we started shooting it, it became kind of clear that we were making another movie. We shot everything that we wanted to shoot for the original movie we'd planned, and then we got into a huge fight. We didn't talk to each other for, like, three months. And then we were going around the country to different film festivals with Hannah Takes the Stairs, and we started talking again. Joe brought the hard drives with all the footage from the first part of Nights and Weekends, and we opened it up, and when we put together what we thought the film should be, we realized that we had to shoot more. We shot the second half of the movie a year after the first half, so it was a year later in our lives, and a year later in the characters' lives. It was a weird birthing process."